Крилова Алла Миколаївна

Крилова Алла Миколаївна, доцент кафедри історії та археології, кандидат історичних наук, доцент, керівник міжкафедральної лабораторії комплексного краєзнавства. Закінчила природничо-географічний факультет Мелітопольського державного педагогічного  університету за спеціальністю «географія-історія» (2005), у 2006 р. – магістратуру за спеціальністю «географія» захистила кандидатську дисертацію (2011) «Описово-статистичні джерела дослідження землеволодіння та землекористування в Північному Приазов’ї (друга пол. ХІХ – поч. ХХ ст.)», отримала наукове звання доцента (2014). Наукові інтереси: краєзнавство, джерелознавство, регіоналістика, історія Південної України.


Web of Science ResearcherID: V-3496-2017

Scopus Author ID: 57211294259, h-index 2

https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=rFVlWN4AAAAJ&hl=uk, h-индекс-2

Main Publications

  1. Krylova A. (2021). Archaeological monuments of nomads of the 10th-13th centuries on the territory of Southern Ukraine. Annales d’Universite ‘Valahia’ Targoviste, Section d’Archeologie et d’Histoire P. 19-31 https://www.annalesfsu.ro/siteeng/Tome_XXIII/3.Alla_Krylova.pdf
  2. Krylova A., Schkoda N., Zamuruysev A., Zhiryakov A. (2015). Molochansk Germans, Mennonites and the surroundings society: features of the land relationships. In The Caucasus. Economical and social analysis journal of Southern Caucasus. Tbilisi, Georgia, 16-20 (in English). http://eprints.mdpu.org.ua/id/eprint/650/1/Black%20Sea%20Conference%20vol%2024%20issue%2006%202015.pdf
  3. Krylova A. (2012). Statistical Office of the Tavriya Gubernskoye Zemstvo: Land Management Studies Program of 1884. In Scientific Notes. Collected Works of Young Scientists and Postgraduates. Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies named after. M. Hrushevsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Issue 25. Kyiv, 347-363 (in Ukrainian).
  4. Krylova A. (2012). Reporting on field work of surveyors of Special survey (on an example of the Tavria province draftsman). In Historical and geographical research in Ukraine. Collection of scientific works. Number 12. K.: NAS of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, 143-154 (in Ukrainian).  http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/55530/000-TitlePages.pdf?sequence=1
  5. Krylova A. (2011). Historiography of the study of descriptive and statistical sources of the history of landownership and land tenure in Southern Ukraine of the second half of the ХIХ – the beginning of the XX centuries. In Pskov Regionological Journal. №12. Pskov: PSPU, 127-138 (in Russian). https://pskgu.ru/projects/pgu/storage/prj/prj_12/prj_12_15.pdf
  6. Krylova A. (2010). The descriptive-statistical publications of Zemstva as a source of ethnic and social population groups landownership in North Priasovie region. Scientific works of Historical department of Zaporizhzhia National University. Issue 28. Zaporizhzhia, 446-451 (in Ukrainian). http://www.istznu.org/page/issues/28/krylova.pdf
  7. Krylova A. (2009). Descriptive-statistical documents of Zemstvo inspection of Melitopol uezd of 1912 as a source of studying of land ownership and land use of separate settlements. In Science Notes. Collection of scientific works of young scientists and postgraduate students. Issue 18. Kyiv, 79-90 (in Ukrainian). http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/26462/08-Krilova.pdf?sequence=1

Conference papers

  1. Krylova A. (2021). From a conceptual restructuring of the understanding of environmental ethics –  to philosophical representations and actions. International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM 2021. STEF92 Technology Ltd., 51 “Alexander Malinov” Blvd., 1712 Sofia. Bulgaria. vol.5.1, p. 237-243 (in English)



  1. Krylova A. (2020). Historical maps in GIS: scientific and methodological aspect (Molochna German settlement maps as example). Problemy humanitarnykh nauk: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. Seriia Istoriia ‒ Problems of Humanities. History Series: a collection of scientific articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 5/47, 466–485. doi: https://doi.org/10.24919/2312-2595.5/47.217779 (in English)
  2. Krylova A. (2020). Using historical maps in GIS to study local history (Berdyansk forestry maps as an example). International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM 2020. STEF92 Technology Ltd., 51 “Alexander Malinov” Blvd., 1712 Sofia. Bulgaria. vol. 2.2, p.461-468 (in English)


  1. Krylova A. (2020). Ecologization of ethics and ethization of ecology in the philosophical dialogue of recent history (late XX–early XXI century) International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM 2020. STEF92 Technology Ltd., 51 “Alexander Malinov” Blvd., 1712 Sofia. Bulgaria. p. 267-274 (in English)



  1. Krylova A. (2019). Reconstruction and dialogue in the recovery of the lost paradigm «human-nature» International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM 2019. STEF92 Technology Ltd., 51 “Alexander Malinov” Blvd., 1712 Sofia. Bulgaria. P.629-635 DOI: (Scopus5593/sgem2019/5.1/S20.078) (in English)
